Pueraria Mirifica

History Of Pueraria Mirifica

Kwao Krua

is a native herbal plant found in deep forests of the northern region of Thailand. It has been well known to local people for many years due to its distinguished properties and efficacy as well as regarded as the national identity of traditional medicine. Researchers and academics have applied the wisdom and knowledge of old people to reveal its miracle while many state universities have included kwao krua studies in their master degree courses. According to its classification, there are 4 varieties of kwao krua that are beneficial and can be used for medicinal, food supplementary and cosmetic purpose name White Kwao Krua (Pueraria Mirifica), Red Kwao Krua (Butea superba), Black Kwao Krua and Dull Grey Kwao Krua.
Local communities in Thailand have used Pueraria Mirifica for well over one hundred years, specifically for its rejuvenating
qualities, The belief in the rejuvenating properties of Pueraria Mirifica has been passing down from one generation to another and more recently through the publication by Luang Anusan Suntara.
In May 1931, Luang Anusan Suntara published a pamphlet on the subject of “Kwao Krua” describing different ways of preparing folk medicine using Pueraria Mirifica and the claims of its rejuvenating power. It is stated in the pamphlet that Pueraria Mirifica can:
Serve as an anti-wrinkle agent for aged and wrinkled skin
Darken white hair, and increase hair growth
Alleviated cataract problems
Help with memory loss
Increase energy and vigor, more reflexive bodily movements
Increase blood circulation
Increase appetite, and – Alleviate sleep disorders
In 1932, Dr. A.F.G. Kerr, the Director of the Botanical Section of the Journal of the Siam Society, directed the attention of the scientific community to the fact that the tuberous roots of a Thai plant called “Kwao Krua”, mistakenly identified then as Butea Superba, were considered to be of value as a rejuvenating drug.
Dr. Kerr was the first to create international awareness of the rejuvenating qualities of this plant, which subsequently led to the isolation of a potent phyto-estrogen that is unique to this plant only and to the identification of the plant as Pueraria Mirifica in 1952.
Serves as the “Fountain of Youth” for aged men and women.
Source: Medicinal Plant Research Institute, Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand; July 2000


Our researcher has started research on Pueraria Mirifica since 1991 and then later on Butea Superba. Pueraria Mirifica (White Kwao Krua) is Thailand’s endemic species found mainly in the northern and western part of Thailand and has local name as “White Kwao Krua”. The Thai vine herbal plant is grown in association with the moderate-size trees ranking from timber wood to bamboo in the deciduous rain forest.
Pueraria Mirifica Study
The enlargement underground tuber accumulates “phyto-estrogens” (Hormone from Plant) comprising isoflavones (daidzin, daidzein, genistin, genistein and puerarin) and others such as miroestrol and its derivatives, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, coumestrol, puerarin, mirificoumestan, kwakhurin and mirificin.
The scope of our study is biotechnology of the White, Red and Black Kwao Krua. Our study has be done by traveling to many forests in many parts of Thailand to search and select for the right and best cultivar of these herbs by rely on botanical characteristic, chemical analysis, consumption history, toxicology test as well as laboratory test and clinical trial.
The result of study under controlled by researcher
According to our research has revealed that Pueraria Mirifica and Butea Superba are safe to be used in human in certain dosage as well as consumption period.
Our researcher has been conducting a series of researches covering the chemical analysis, tissue culture, mass propagation, cultivar improvement, production, product development and testing and so on for 9 years. Because this finding showed a great impact to the herbal food, cosmetic, drug and beverage industries, so he has submitted patents concerned these findings and application in both Thailand and abroad.
The result shows that our selected Pueraria Mirifica cultivar contains very high isoflavones contents and showing high anti-mutagenic effects as well as high killing effects to human mammary cancer cell line.
Nowadays nutritionists recommend the consumer to consume isoflavones regularly for the purpose of cancer protection normally found on post-menopausal and people who are Hormone Imbalance.
What is benefit of Miroestrol and its derivatives?
Miroestrol and its derivatives are also precious chemicals in the White Kwao Krua which promote estrogenic and monogenic effects to various tissues as Breast Enlargement or Breast Tissue Reformation. (See the result of Clinical study about Breast Enlargement by Pueraria Mirifica herbal and FAQ Breast Enlargement Forum ) and organs such as uterus, ovary and skin as HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy).
What is different between Soya and Pueraria Mirifica?
Soya, the main oriental food and Alfalfa, the western health food products contains lower amount of phyto-estrogens especially there is no miroestrol and its derivatives. Their benefit to the body is far less than that of Pueraria Mirifica. The researches confirm that these chemicals are potent anti-breast cancer, anti-prostate hyperplasia, anti-colon cancer, anti-osteoporosis and also anti-cardiovascular disease via the potent reduction of blood cholesterol and also anti-menopausal syndrome.
Source: Medicinal Plant Research Institute, Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand; July 2000

The compounds that make Pueraria Mirifica different from any other phyto-estrogen containing plants in the Family Leguminous are Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol, which possess highest estrogenic activity among the known phyto-estrogens due to structural similarity to estradiol, Miroestrol was actually the first compound isolated from this plant by a group of German chemists in 1940, but the plant had been mistakenly reported then as Butea Superba. It was later on classified as a new plant called Pueraria Mirifica Airy Shaw et Suvatabhandu.
The isolation and identification of deoxymiroestrol from the root of Pueraria Mirifica has just been reported in the February 2000 issue of the Journal of Natural Products, The authors proposed that since deoxymiroestrol is easily oxidized to miroestrol, deoxymiroestrol, not the previously reported miroestrol, is more likely to be the actual chemical constituent of Pueraria Mirifica. However, it is very likely that the two phyto-estrogens coexist in the root of this plant. As shown below, the chemical structures of two compounds are very similar to that of estradiol, the main human estrogen.
In addition to miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol, Pueraria Mirifica also contains other chemicals that belong to isoflavones and Coumestan groups of phyto-estrogens, e.g., Genistein, Daidzein, Daidzin, Genistin, and Coumestrol that are usually found in soybeans (Table). However, the estrogenic activity of Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol is much more potent than that of soy isoflavones.

Chromene, Isoflavonoid and Coumestan derivatives in Pueraria Mirifica
ChromeneIsoflavonesIsoflavones glycosidesCoumestan
 KwakhurinMirificinMirificoumestan glycol
 Kwakhurin hydratePuerarinMirificoumestan hydrate
  Puerarin-6” monoacetate 

What is benefit effects of Chemical composition from Pueraria Mirifica?
While Soya and Alfalfa contains low amount and low estrogenic of the phyto-estrogens, many researches pointed out the benefit effects of those chemicals, especially to act as a Potent Anti-Breast Cancer, Anti-Prostate Cancer, Anti-Colon Cancer, Anti-Cardio-Vascular disease via the reduction of blood cholesterol and also Anti-Menopausal Syndrome. The phyto-estrogens in thePueraria Mirifica (White Kwao Krua) is more concentrated and higher efficacy. By this distinguish property, biotechnology application has shown up for this herb.Source: Medicinal Plant Research Institute, Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand; July 2000

High Isoflavones the phyto – Anti cancer
After many years of species selection, enrich with high isoflavones, the most interesting phyto-estrogens has been selected and submitted to organic farming in a huge area to guarantee the unique benefit of the phyto-estrogens.
Now this species is manufactured into our vast variety of Products and distributed in Japan, China, Thailand, Europe and U.S.A.
Our Selected Species
Phyto-estrogens especially isoflavones, enriched in Pueraria Mirifica only our selected species which this selected grade can make us differentiate from the other supplier with chemical compound approval.
If intake at a right dosage will support healthy female characteristics, bone structure, cardio – vascular system, breast and skin appearance in women and also health prostate function and keeps hair pattern in men.
According to our study, our researcher recommend women who are lack of endogenous estrogen including menopausal women and also mature men who are facing aging problems, should intake White Kwao Krua regularly to keep rejuvenate and the tonic felling.
What is Phyto-estrogen?
The term “natural” can refer to the source of the hormone or more importantly, it can mean that it is natural to a woman’s body; that its chemical structure is identical to the hormones produced by the human body.
The estrogens used in our formulation are the exact same molecules as the ones produced by a woman’s body. They are bio-identical. This means a woman’s body recognized it just as if she had produced it herself. It is not treated as a “foreign” molecule, her body can use it correctly, and side effects are minimal, or even eliminated!
Just as the hormone needs to be “bio-identical” to be natural, it should also be given in natural proportions. The term “estrogens” actually refers to several hormones, estriol, estrone, and estradiol being the ones natural to a woman’s body.
As a young woman, each is produced in certain amounts. When the body slows down making these estrogens, as in menopause, they should not only be replaced, but also in natural quantities. Our formulation provides all three estrogens, in the normal proportions, to basically imitate what a woman’s body produced before menopause.What is natural hormone?
What could be more natural?
One more hormone to consider progesterone that same young woman produced progesterone along with her three estrogens, and that same woman in menopause has quit making progesterone. Our formulation includes progesterone, also from natural sources and bio-identical, for several reasons. By replacing what is lost, a woman is getting back to what is most natural for her body. Progesteroneactually helps the body use the estrogens better, so we can use the least amount of estrogens to be effective. Progesterone has been shown to actually build bone, act as a natural antidepressant, serve as a source of other hormones lost to aging; basically, making things more balanced.
Source: Medicinal Plant Research Institute, Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand; July 2000


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